We develop smart materials

Based on existing problems, customer Research and Development (R&D), and on our own initiative, we are actively involved with innovations within polymers, resins and coatings on a daily basis. We create smart materials.

Our material contains several properties that are explained below. We provide the material with one or more of the technologies and polymers in granulate for injection moulding and filaments for 3D printing. In addition to these production forms, we are happy to look at new production technologies together with you.

Suppose that your product is currently made with the injection moulding process with a PETG (PolyEthyleen Terefthalaat Glycol) or PP (PolyPropeen). We can process our technologies into a compound that is made from the previous mentioned PETG or PP, without a lengthy R&D process. In this way the same product includes and benefits from all the features of our technology.

Far infrared (FIR)

Smart materials Far-Infrared technolgy

A unique feature is the technology that actually generates interaction between object and human skin. When the object touches the skin, the body heat will convert into infrared radiation. Several scientific and clinical studies have proven the physical benefits of this technology that is incorporated into a polymer or filament. MatX has also done endless material tests to get the most out of the technology. Due to the improved blood circulation, it contributes to faster recovery, prevents and reduces signs of aging and improves the body performance. Clinical studies and technological prove are available on request.


Smart materials anti-microbial

Our technique ensures a >99.99% effectiveness against bacteria, and that with a natural ingredient. Bacteria that encounter the biocide free materials will have hardly any chance of survival and the material will continuously inhibit the growth of microbes. This technique has been extensively measured and tested according to ISO 22196 and JIS Z2810 (*1). It does not contain harmful or toxic substances, biocides, silver, nanomaterials and does not fade or wear out over time.


Smart materials biodegradable

One of the unique features of the material is that it is biodegradable (*2). Biopolymers are raw materials of the future for all current disposable applications. It is able to get decomposed by the action of micro-organisms such as bacteria or fungi biological, with or without oxygen, while getting assimilated into the natural environment. It depends on the size of the material how long it exactly takes to fully degrade. Films produced with MatX biodegradable material are capable of degrading in nature in a few months. In comparison to PET-material which takes 500 years to break down in nature. The material of MatX has an official food contact declaration.


Smart materials deformable

One of MatX’s unique polymers ensures that the material is deformable at a relatively low temperature. For example, an object that is produced 2-dimensionally, can be deformed to a 3-dimensianally object with the use of water at a temperature of 55 °C. The object can be deformed more than once. For example, it is possible to design a 2D one size fits all model, which then can be deformed to a unique shape. Our R&D team can easily modify the properties of this polymer to a malleable material which has similar properties to clay.

*1: According to ISO 22196 and JIS Z2801. And a proven efficacy against viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 (Corona virus), H1N1 and H3N2 according to ISO 21702 and ISO 18184. 

*2: According to TÜV AUSTRIA, MatX is certificated to use the conformity mark ‘OK compost HOME’.

*3: Depending on the thickness of the material, the degrading process may vary.